How to Launch a Successful Startup

We may not know everything- but we can make an impact

Health Hackathon 2019 @ Nov.8-10, 2019

Dr. Karen Klein and Taylan Pince shared how they built two incredible startups from the ground up - and the impact they have had.


On April 11, The Mohawk College Cyber Security Club hosted Hacking Health Hamilton April Meetup in Mohawk College.

Dr. Karen Klein and Taylan Pince shared how they built two incredible startups from the ground up - and the impact they have had.

We met with Dr. Karen Klein and Taylan Pince, two Toronto healthtech founders who shared their story on how they transformed an idea they were passionate about into two full-scale organizations that help patients daily.

Dr. Klein, Dentist, Co-founder, and CEO of HealthCasa, shared how it all started with one frustrating experience trying to find a physiotherapist. Building over her own clinical experience, she promptly developed an in-home appointment platform that makes getting a physiotherapist that much simpler. She also explained the awesome support she has received from the tech community - “you can’t keep up with it”.

“It was such a frustrating process- I couldn’t understand how there wasn’t an easier way!” -Dr. Klein

Taylan also shared some of his struggles and successes as founder and CEO of Avocare with us. He suggests we start by paying attention and understanding what our users need: for him, this meant looking how doctors work, understanding their needs, and really hearing them and grasping their grievances. By immersing himself in the field, he developed a solution that helps doctors communicate with their patients, without impacting their own practice.

“It always goes back to your first users and first product: understand their grievances of end users. I would just go and watch them work for weeks.” -Taylan Pince

But there is also value in taking a big step away: eventually, you have to look at everything running together, trust your team and letting them learn on their own.

You can find the full video of the interview in our YouTube channel.